Wednesday 24 October 2012

Those Little Moments.

I have been trying extra hard to stay positive for the past month now, but of course every now and then those little moments of feeling like crap, and feeling ugly, etc. always have their ways of sneaking up on you. 

For the past three days I just felt awful about myself, which is never fun. But I came to the realisation that it's the little things that bring joy back into your life, and start making you feel better. Little things like talking to one of your best friends on webcam, and a niece constantly telling you how pretty you are. The little things that make you realise "hey, I don't have it all that bad" of course I don't expect to feel great and 100% all the time, that's just impossible. There's no such thing as perfection and even though we are all so very aware of that fact, it seems as though we're always all trying to chase and achieve some form of perfection. 

Today was not by any means a day filled of lots of things. I in fact didn't do much, I got up and had some breakfast, before I worked out, and then got ready for my day, tried a new way of putting makeup on, and then picked my nieces and nephews up from school. I then helped them with their homework when we were done dinner, and even though, they all drive me a little crazy sometimes, and Auntie Katherine feels overwhelmed living with her nieces and nephews at times, I love them all so much, and some times just those little tiny moments I get with them make me smile, and make me realise, that life is wonderful!

I'm finally back in the youtube world of vlogging if you want to check out my channel follow this link:

As well as my personal channel I have a collab. channel with my friend Lucy which you can check out here: if you like! :)

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