Sunday 14 October 2012

Curve Balls

Today's blog is all about life and the many curve balls we are thrown. My life hasn't exactly been my dream cuppa tea, nor has it been horrendous. My life may not have been as fantastical (yes I am aware that this is not an actual word) as I wanted it to have been, but I have come to realise that I wouldn't change it for anything.

I used to, and not even so long ago, sit around and feel sorry for myself. How absurd is that? Why would I want my life to have happened differently? If my past was not my past I wouldn't be the person that I am today. Yes I may not have yet achieved anything great in life, but I am still so very proud of who I am.

I feel and know that greatness will come; and one day I will get my happily-ever-after. But for now I need to start living my life for the moments, instead of in the past, and the unknown future. So to all those curve balls making their way to me now, give me your best, because I am ready to give you mine, and hit a home-run!

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