Saturday 22 June 2013


I feel defeated. Trying to keep a happy, positive attitude seems to be getting more and more difficult for me lately, and I've become far more emotional then I care to be. It just feels like my life was finally heading in the right direction, I felt I had everything sorted out, and I knew where I wanted things to go, and then as usual something happened that’s making everything fall apart. Aside from my job only being part time and not paying a decent enough wage for me to actually live off of, I suddenly find myself needing to find new living arrangements for August. I can understand why this is happening, and am in no way angry with others, but at the same time I feel like crap. When is my life ever actually going to be okay for more then a few months? I’m not expecting life to be a walk in the park, but I would like for once to just be able to sit and relax on a bench and enjoy the view for a longer period of time. I have been trying so hard to stay positive and not let the stress of it all consume me, but the past few days I've been an emotional wreck, and it just isn't fair for those around me. I am sure that in time everything will have a way of sorting it’s self out, it always does in the end. I just hope that it’s sooner rather than later. 

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