Thursday 28 February 2013


Hey Guys, 

It's been quite a while since I last wrote a blog, I cannot believe how quiet I have been especially with everything that has happened in the past month.

I am obviously in my new place living with Hayley and Stacey and that is going quite well. Money is a bit tight for me but I wasn't really expecting it not to be, so it's okay. We will soon be joined by a fourth roommate for a while. My friend Amber is moving down from Ontario, and will be living with us for a few months. This has me very excited!!

I have strangely had a month filled with dating fiasco's and heartbreak. That's a completely brand new world to me. Not sure what to make of it, but a big part of me feels like it's really not worth all the fuss, and that being single might just be a whole lot simpler, and less painful. However that being said, I know that I don't want to be single. I want a relationship, I want to fall in love, and I want a future with someone.

I have been trying to go to the gym regularly, and have recently decided to go five days a week. Today was meant to be my fourth day in a row but I am feeling very lazy, and run down, and therefor am giving myself this day of rest, tomorrow morning I will get up and go to the gym for an hour of strength before work, and then Saturday I'll go for my fifth day which will be cardio.

I am hoping to be able to purchase a few more sessions with Rily soon, coz although I am able to do the strength days on my own, I find it difficult to be as motivated without my trainer.

I think that is all that I have to say for today, but I will hopefully be back soon!

Byeee :) 

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