Wednesday 23 January 2013

Turning a Page.

So I am officially moving out of my sisters basement. My friend Hayley and her Roommate Stacey asked me if I would like to look at some places and move in with them, as the lease for their place was ending in February, so I of course said yes. Well we've found a place and will be moving into it on SUNDAY! This has me excited, scared, and nervous all at once.

I have gotten to know Stacey a bit through the past few weeks, and definitely think we will all get along for the most part, so for that I'm not too stressed out. I think it's more stress about money then anything else. It's been a while since I've had to pay rent, and the fact that I'm now going to have to very soon, is terrifying. I have been getting quite good hours, and decent pay so should be fine on the financial front, but still find it very stressful, because that is just the way I am.

I have applied for two Travel Consultant positions so far, but have heard nothing back, which is a bummer. But hopefully more chances to get work in that area will come up soon, and I'll manage to get my foot in the door. 

Tomorrow is my last training session with Rily, which makes me very sad. I have been enjoying the gym much more then I thought I would, and just do not feel ready to not have my trainer anymore, so hopefully with any luck I will be able to purchase some more sessions with him in near future. 

I suppose that's sadly it for now, hopefully I will have more to blog about soon.
Byee! :)

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