Tuesday 25 September 2012

Carrying On.

I keep on telling myself I'm going to start blogging regularly, and then I don't ever sit down and write a blog. I thought that this morning would be a good start. Well second start, I deleted my old posts as I wasn't fully happy with them.

I want to start off by setting some goals for myself. I would really like to start exercising again, my weight is something I have struggled with my whole life, I may only have a few extra pounds on, but those few extra pounds really bother me. I always shrug it off and say oh well "I like to eat what I want, when I want" and I do, I really don't think that, that is something I will ever change about myself. I don't think I should have to sacrifice any foods or go on some extreme diet to lose some weight. Ideally I'd like to lose about 20 pounds, and that doesn't sound like much fun. But I'm gonna try, because I really don't think that lounging about and moaning that I wish I was thinner will make a difference. I need to get off my lazy butt and take some action. 

My weight isn't the only thing I need to take action on/in I need to apply that way of thinking to everything. I'm a dreamer. I like to sit and wish that all of these things were going on in my life, but that's all I do. I never take action. Well sometimes I do, but it generally doesn't work out as planned when I do take action, which is a huge bummer. My other issue is that if I fail once, I have the tendency to think it's all over. It's not worth trying again, because it didn't work out. That's such a horrible attitude to have. I should just restrategize, and come up with a new plan of action, and then finally when the time is right FIRE!

So here are my other goals: Finally get my high school diploma, learn how to drive and get my licence,  make a career choice and stick to that path, write a book and try to get it published, and last but most importantly BE HAPPY!

Things I shouldn't do: Fantasize about my nieces grade 2 teacher (even if he is 22 and extremely good looking), obsess over how miserable single life is, spend all of my money every time I get some, cry because I'm not in England, panic over every little thing that goes wrong.

Things I should do: Relax. Let myself enjoy single life, it's nice not being tied down to a person. Remind myself that I'm only 23 and I have plenty of time to sort out my life. Be myself no matter what. Enjoy the present, and stop dwelling on the past, or hoping for the future. 

For all I know my future can be even more rubbish then my present is, and to be honest with myself my past hasn't been that great. So I need to just stop thinking about what was, and what is going to be, and enjoy the NOW.

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